lord knows where he is
彼がどこにいるか神のみぞ知る 《だれも知らない》.
lord only knows
: ((略式))Lórd (only) knòws! Click...
the lord only knows
: The Lórd (only) knòws. ?=Heaven (only) KNOWs .
bring someone where he is
: 現在{げんざい}の(人)を作り上げる
before one knows where one is
: いつの間にか、知らない間に、知らぬ間に、アッという間に
ask someone where he is going
: どこへ行くのかを(人)に聞く[尋ねる]
get someone where he is today
: (人)が今日の地位{ちい}を築く
get someone where he lives
: (人)を傷つける
hit someone where he lies
: (人)の急所を突く◆【同】hit someone home
leave no doubt where he stand
: 自身{じしん}の立場{たちば}には疑う余地{よち}は全くない
scratch someone where he itches
: (人)の痒い所をかいてやる
small city where everyone knows everyone else
: 住民同士{じゅうみん どうし}が皆顔見知りの小さな町
find out someone's name and where he is
: (人)の名前{なまえ}と居場所{いばしょ}を割り出す
make frequent comments that remind someone of where he is
: (人)がどこにいるのかを気付{きづ}かせるためにしばしば話し掛ける
person that has dug someone in where he is today
: 現在{げんざい}の状況{じょうきょう}に(人)を陥れた人
right to know where he or she came from
: 出生{しゅっしょう/しゅっせい}の事実{じじつ}を知る権利{けんり}
"lord justice clerk" 意味
"lord justice general" 意味
"lord justice of appeal" 意味
"lord keeper of the privy seal" 意味
"lord kelvin" 意味
"lord lieutenant" 意味
"lord mayor" 意味
"lord mayor of london" 意味
"lord mayor's banquet" 意味
"lord keeper of the privy seal" 意味
"lord kelvin" 意味
"lord lieutenant" 意味
"lord mayor" 意味
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